Saturday, December 19, 2009

Goals (?)

For 2010 and beyond, in no particular order:

- travel
- save $/light more $ on fire
- don't get pregnant or get std
- write more letters/postcards
- finish a journal
- take a class
- get published
- read more
- make my 30th b-day memorable
- go hot-air ballooning
- make more friends

1 comment:

  1. A Random List-
    Shit that people seem to have a (usually bad) tattoo of:
    -Some sacchrine SONG LYRIC(S), usually in a dopey font.
    -Radiohead bear... or Radiohead anything..
    -BIRDS (one for each member of my happy family!) or Feathers and Cages!
    -CAMERAS (sometimes coupled with sacchrine song lyrics)
    -BUTTERFLIES & FLOWERS (one for each member of my EXTENDED HAPPY FAMILY!)
    -Day-of-the-dead sugar Skull
    -Koi Fish/Japanese waves/japanese or chinese written characters
    -The little prince (quotes or pictures from)
    -HARRY POTTER (quote/word/images from)
    -DEERHEADS (usually as part of a chest piece.)

    What strange tattoo phenomena have you noticed lately?
